
Vincenc Beneš (1883-1979)

a disciple of prof. E. Dítě, E. K. Liška, V. Bukovac a R. Ottenfeld, member of the Group Osmy, SVU Mánes, The Union of Fine Arts artists

Pohled na Trosky

olej, plátno, 72 x 105 cm, sign. LD V. Beneš, rám

the disciple of prof. E. Dite, E. K. Liska, V. Bukovac and R. Ottenfeld at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague and The Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, member of the group Osma, The Manes Association of Fine Artists, SVU

ID: 98

Auction price: 40.000 CZK (1.667 €)

Planned termination: 14. 05. 2024 14:37

Current price: 40.000 CZK (1.667 €)

Last auctioneer: NEDRAŽENO




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