
Bohumil Krátký (1913-2005)

Velum Ventis PF 1995

suchá jehla, 1994, 14,7 x 10,3 cm, sign DU Bohumil Krátký, č. 26/50

studied at the atelier of prof. J. Konupek, J. Solaro at The State Graphic School in Prague, attended the evening courses at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague and the graphic atelier of prof. Pukl at The Academy of Fine Arts in Prague; the member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists and honorary member of SSPE

ID: 366

Auction price: 50 CZK (3 €)

AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 06. 01. 2023 13:47

Current price: 50 CZK (3 €)

Last auctioneer: ID5**5 History of bids




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