
Cyril Bouda (1901-1984)

Jarní ohně

bibliofilie, sign. lept ve frontispise C. Bouda, soukromý tisk, Praha 1928, Ex. 81/110, 29 s., brož., na obílce skvrna, velmi dobrý stav

Provenance: Antiquarian Ostrovní

the disciple of V. Kysela and M. Svabinsky, member of The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists and The Umelecka beseda

ID: 1142

Auction price: 300 CZK (13 €)

AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 01. 12. 2023 11:18

Current price: 300 CZK (13 €)

Last auctioneer: ID3**6 History of bids




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