
Bohumil Stanislav Urban (1903-1997)

Busta dívka (P.F. 1993)

litografie, 1992, 15,5 x 20 cm, sign. PD B. S. Urban Radhošťská

the disciple of prof. J. Obrovsky, F. Thiele, F. Kupka and K. Krattner at The Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, studied History of Art and Aesthetics at The Faculty of Philosophy - Charles University in Prague, constituent member and chairman of The Association of Prague Fine Artists and the association Purkyne, member of the jury - the art exhibition opened at the occasion of The Olympic Games in Amsterdam

ID: 269562

Auction price: 60 CZK (3 €)

AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 06. 03. 2023 21:32

Current price: 60 CZK (3 €)

Last auctioneer: ID8**8 History of bids




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