
Alois Moravec (1899-1987)

Nová turbína

akvarel, tužka, tuš, papír, 18,5 x 25,5 cm, sign. PD A. Moravec, text: Na prudký proud u mlýna čeká nová turbín, už se kola roztáčejí, buchty budou z práce její.

Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná

the disciple of prof. E. Dite, A. Hofbauer and F. Kysela at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague and prof. M. Svabinsky at The Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, member of The Umelecka beseda, The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists, The Association of South-Bohemian Fine Artists and The association of West-Bohemian Fine Artists in Pilsen

ID: 272468

Auction price: 250 CZK (11 €)

AUCTION IS TERMINATED: 25. 05. 2023 18:04

Current price: 250 CZK (11 €)

Last auctioneer: ID1**8 History of bids




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