
Pravoslav Kotík (1889-1970)

studied by prof. E. Dítě, K. V. Mašek and J. Schikaneder at UMPRUM (VŠUP, The School of Fine Arts and Crafts in Prague). Member of SVU Mánes, Umělecká beseda (The Fine Artists' Association) and of the Social Group Ho-Ho-Ko-Ko (Holan, Holý, Kotrba, Kotík)


lept, 1950, 14,8 x 21,2 cm, sign. PD P. Kotík 1950, pasparta, č. A/6, zažloutlý papír, pasparta mírně otřepená Radhošťská

the disciple of prof. E. Dite, K. V. Masek and J. Schikaneder at The Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague, member of The Manes Association of Fine Artists, The Umelecka beseda and The Social group Ho-Ho-Ko-Ko

ID: 266310

Auction price: 700 CZK (30 €)

Planned termination: 29. 04. 2024 19:08

Current price: 700 CZK (30 €)

Last auctioneer: NEDRAŽENO




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