
Josef Krejsa (1896-1941)

Husův domek; Husova světnička

2x barevný dřevoryt, 21,9 x 26,3; 21,7 x 26 cm, sign. LD JKrejsa; LD slepotiskové razítko autora

Provenance: Antiquarian Ostrovní

studied architecture and old masters techniques by František Alt in Vienna, figurative drawing, anatomy and perspective by F. P. Michetti in Italy, later disciple of Max Pirner at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague

ID: 267248

Auction price: 1.200 CZK (50 €)

Planned termination: 07. 05. 2024 14:54

Current price: 1.200 CZK (50 €)

Last auctioneer: NEDRAŽENO




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