
Viktor Polášek (1911-1989)

Učitel národů

litografie, 35,8 x 26,8 cm, sign. PD V. Polášek, v pravém horním rohu mimo tisk mírně zažloutlý a pokrčený papír

Provenance: Antiquarian Dlážděná

the disciple of prof. P. Dillinger at The School of Artistic Crafts in Brno, prof. J. Obrovsky, T. F. Simon a F. Thiele at AVU v Praze, member of JUV and The Hollar Association of Czech Graphic Artists

ID: 250678

Auction price: 50 CZK (3 €)

Planned termination: 25. 04. 2024 17:17

Current price: 50 CZK (3 €)

Last auctioneer: NEDRAŽENO




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